Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Prayer on All Saints

Heavenly Father,

You have given the Saints in Heaven eternal happiness and they now live in the fullness of Your glory. Because of their holy love for You, they also care about me and my family, my friends, my church, and my neighbors. Thank You for the gift of their friendship and the witness of their holy lives. I ask our Patron Saints and every saint to intercede for us. I ask them to help us journey safely on the narrow path that leads to Heaven. O Lord, give us their protection. Grant us their help in overcoming temptation and gaining the fullness of life with You.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Gratitude Prayer

Lord, you are to be blessed and praised
all good things come from you
you are in our words and in our thoughts,
and in all that we do.

- Mother Teresa

Friday, October 20, 2006

Help Me Lord

Help us to do the things we should,
To be to others kind and good,
In all we do, in work and in play,
To grow more loving everyday.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Learning to use your Bible

A bible verse citation tells us how to find a particular reading in the bible. There are three steps to finding the passage we want to read.

1John 4: 8

Step one

We must first find the book of the Bible that the scripture verse is in. The book is highlighted in red. Using this example, 1John4:8, we want to find the First book of John. This is one of the books of the New Testament.

Step two

We then turn to the chapter in the book. This is the first number after the book, it is highlighted in green. So in our example, 1John4:8, we are looking for chapter 4.

Step three

Let’s find the verse. The verse is the second number after the book and is separated by a colon (:). In our example 1John4:8, we are looking for the eighth verse.

So what does it say? God is love!

So now we know how to find passages in the bible. Remember to read your bible everyday, these are the words of God!

Here are a few passages that have very important messages for us:

Acts 16: 31
Ephesians 6: 1
Exodus 20: 8
Exodus 20: 12
Isaiah 43: 5
John 15: 5
Matthew 5: 14
Matthew 6: 33
Psalm 3: 5
Psalm 27: 14
Psalm 34: 9
Psalm 34: 14
Psalm 118 :1
Psalm 127: 3

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Make Me More Like You

Help us, God, each day,
To follow You along the way.
Teach us to be kind like you,
In everything we say and do.
