These little hands are held in prayer To thank you God for being there These little hearts speak to you To ask you God what we should do These little eyes are filled with love For God in heaven up above
Father I pray to You You have guarded me all day Safe always in Your sight Safely let me sleep tonight Bless my friends, the whole world bless Help me to learn helpfulness Keep me always in Your sight So to everyone I say goodnight.
My God, help me to make a good Holy Communion. To Thy glory and for the good of my soul I wish to receive the Most Holy Sacrament. Mary, my Mother, pray to Jesus for me. My good Angel Guardian, lead me to the altar of God. My patron Saints, pray for me that I may receive the Lord with a heart that is pleasing to him and with great profit to my soul.
Thank You God for this new day And for the time to work and play Please be with me all day long In every story, game and song May all the happy things we do Make you our Father happy too