"I tell you, use the riches of this world to help others.
In that way, you will make friends for yourselves..."
Luke 16:9
We all want to have good friends. But do you know that we must first be a good friend. When we use what we have to be helpful and kind to others they will remember our kindness. There are many ways we can use the riches of the world to help others. Sometimes people just need someone to take the time to be their friend. God will show us when someone is in need of a good friend. He will also show us how to help them. We need to watch for the chances God gives us to do good for others. We will have many friends when we become a good friend.
Father God,Guide me in what I should do to help others. Thank You for my friends. Help me understand how to be a good friend. I want to see others with the eyes and ears of my heart and not judge others.
"Command the rich to do what is good. Tell them to be rich in doing good things. They must give freely. They must be willing to share."
1 Timothy 6:18
God has blessed us so much. He gave us loving parents to take care of us and love us. He gave us friends to love us and treat us kindly. Every morning he makes the sun rise just for us and at night He makes the moon shine and the stars twinkle just to show us that He loves us. God wants us to share those blessings with others. He does not want us to fear loosing what we have. He is the blessing giver and wants us to trust Him for our needs. When we see others in need, we are to follow the example of Jesus and help them. We should tell them we are doing good because of the love God has placed in our hearts. When people know their help has come from God, they are truly blessed!
You are the blessing giver. Thank You for caring for me. Help me to share my blessings with others. Help me have a heart that wants to share. Make me a blessing to others in the Name of Jesus!Amen
"Each of you should put your own actions to the test. Then you can take pride in yourself. You won't be comparing yourself to somebody else. Each of you should carry your own load."Galatians 6:4
We like to look around us and see what others are doing. Do they do everything right? When they do not, does it give us the excuse to behave badly too? I don't think so! We must be responsible for our own actions. We make our own choices. We should not compare what we do with what others have done. God is looking for a heart that is looking to Him for all the answers. The good we have in us is there because of what Jesus did on the cross. We must always give Him credit for all of the good that we do. He is the One giving us the ideas and He helping us in every way to do His good will.
Lord Jesus,
I love it when You help me think of good actions and ways to help others. Thank You for those who help me and do good things for me. Thank You for helping me to do what is right and good.
Now before I run to play,Let me not forget to pray
To God who kept me
through the night
And waked me with the morning light.
Help me, Lord to love Thee more
Than I ever loved before,
In my work and in my play,
Be Thou with me through the day.Amen.
These little hands are held in prayer,
To thank you, God for being there.
These little hearts speak to You,
To ask you, God what we should do.
These little eyes are filled with love,
For God in heaven up above.
Father, thank You for the night
Thank you for the day
For the chance to play
Thank you for my family
Father, mother, brother, sister
For my playmates too
But most of all for You.